
Weight Loss

Aesthetic Clinics & Medical Spa located in Houston, TX
Weight Loss

Weight Loss services offered in Houston, TX

Carrying excess weight can diminish your quality of life, but a beautiful figure awaits you with the help of Houston Women's Cosmetics in Houston, Texas. Board-certified OB/GYN physician Adebayo J. Adesomo, MD, Ersula White, and their skilled staff offer highly effective medical weight loss solutions that help you achieve your goal weight and superior body contours. Call the office to learn more or use the online booking feature today.

Weight Loss Q & A

What is medically supervised weight loss?

Medical weight loss treatments at Houston Women's Cosmetics combine custom diet and exercise plans, medications if needed, hormone therapy, or cosmetic procedures to help you achieve the leaner, aesthetically pleasing figure you long for and deserve. 

The Houston Women's Cosmetics specialists have many years of experience helping women achieve their goals.

What are the benefits of medical weight loss?

The benefits of choosing medically supervised weight loss at Houston Women's Cosmetics include:

  • Self-confidence
  • Leaner appearance
  • More energy
  • Reduced chronic disease risks
  • Improved disease management
  • Enhanced mental health
  • High success rates
  • Faster weight loss
  • Better body contours
  • Long-lasting results
  • Improved quality of life

With the help of Houston Women's Cosmetics, you can look better, feel better, and achieve the figure of your dreams.

Is medical weight loss right for me?

Your Houston Women's Cosmetics provider lets you know if you’re a candidate for medically supervised weight loss, and which weight loss program is best, after discussing your medical history, symptoms, lifestyle, and goals. They weigh you, complete a physical exam, and may order blood tests if needed before customizing a weight loss treatment plan.

What should I expect during medical weight loss?

What you can expect during medically supervised weight loss depends on your specific program. Your provider personalizes a diet and exercise plan and may prescribe medications that make it easier to reach your goals. Get plenty of sleep, keep stress levels low, exercise regularly, sit down less often, and limit or avoid alcohol.

It’s important to follow your plan exactly as directed by your weight loss specialist to reap the most benefits of the program. When followed correctly, you can expect to lose about 1-5 pounds of body weight each week. 

Houston Women's Cosmetics also offers liposuction, SculpSure® body contouring, fat transfer, and tummy tucks after you’ve achieved an ideal weight to perfect your body contours. You may also be a candidate for Botox®, dermal fillers, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for wrinkle reduction and hair regrowth, or additional aesthetic solutions available at Houston Women's Cosmetics.

To reach your target weight with the help of the Houston Women's Cosmetics specialists, schedule an appointment by phone or online today.